About Us

Company:Jinheng Plumbing Store.

Address:Jingzhou Town, Raoping County, Guangdong Province

Email contact::Blanmiya@163.com

About our Store

We always use the best quality leather and metal, the quality is the bottom line that we stick to, and get better quality at the most cost-effective price, so that customers have the best shopping experience

Our unique jewelry designs are innovative, highly personal and exemplary craftsmanship.

Shop With Confidence


100% Satisfaction, Guaranteed. Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority.

Our goal is to make a product that truly reflects you and that you truly love! If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, we offer 14-day unconditional returns and exchanges/refunds on all orders!

Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other. Together, we will again rise to this challenge and come out even stronger.